International Event Application Form

WAGGGS Events and Programs

Before you complete this Form

  • Check that all requirements for your Girl Guide membership are up to date. Your application will be delayed if WWCC checks are not up to date for example. 

  • Ask two people (including one Girl Guide member) if they would provide references for your application. (tell them to check their junk mail for an email from Snapforms).

  • Apply as soon as possible to allow time for each step and to make sure your form reaches Girl Guides Australia before the closing date.

Next steps

Once submitted, the next steps are:

  1. Your State Girl Guide Organisation (SGGO) membership checks and endorsement

  2. Reference check auto-emails are triggered once SGGO endorses you

  3. Interviews can take place once references are both received

  4. Selection 

For more information on WAGGGS programs visit:

World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts - WAGGGS

WAGGGS World Centres

If you have questions email the National Coordinator International on 

Personal Details

Membership Details


Motivational Statement

Tell us what is motivating you to apply for this trip. For example:

  •  Why you are applying?

  •  What do you hope to gain from your experience? 

  •  What knowledge, skills and strengths would you bring to the contingent? 

  •  Tell us about your leadership and interpersonal skills. 

  •  Briefly describe your international and cross-cultural experiences. 

  •  What challenges do you expect to encounter and how will you prepare for these?

Experience and Qualifications

Emergency Contact

Girl Guide Reference

Please provide details for a Girl Guide member willing to provide a reference/recommendation for you. 

Please notify the person before submitting this application. 

They will be sent an email with a link to a short form.

Personal Reference

Please provide details for someone willing to provide a personal reference/recommendation for you. 

Please notify the person before submitting this application. 

They will be sent an email with a link to a short form.

 Thank you for your application and GOOD LUCK!

We will be in touch very soon. If you have any questions please reach out to 

Outdoors Reference

Please provide details for a Girl Guide member who is familiar with your outdoors experience. 

Please notify the person before submitting this application. 

They will be sent an email with a link to a short form.

Travel Details

Please note: the passport must not expire less than 6 months before the trip begins.
Additional insurance cover must be purchased for any travel taking place outside of the contingent's travel itinerary.
Signing here confirms acceptance of the terms and conditions.


Travelling overseas on new adventures and sharing accommodation is exciting but can also be stressful at times. Providing the right information can be the key to a positive experience and is essential where support is needed. 

Please provide any additional details needed.
Please list and detail any medications required. Visit the Smart Traveller website to read about taking medications overseas.
Please attach your care management plan(s) and a letter from your GP outlining a plan for this particular trip to best support you.

Background Checks

Sign Off

Girl Guide Reference Questions

Complete the following questions about the above-named applicant.

Firstly, please confirm your name.


Character/Personal Reference

Complete the following questions about the above-named applicant.

Firstly, please confirm your name.


Outdoor Reference


Application Denial

Please detail your valid reason for denying this application at this stage.

SGGO/State Checks

Considerations include: ability to meet the appropriate standards of dress including uniform, manner, intercultural understanding, following the Girl Guide Promise and Law, commitment to the GGA Code of Conduct.
Considerations should include: understanding the role, ability to facilitate a “girl led” experience understanding of and ability to work with the age group, Commitment to child safe practices, understanding appropriate boundaries.
Considerations include: able to identify and a willingness to address inappropriate behaviours, following sound risk management processes, problem solving and decision making skills.
Considerations include: ability to manage self particularly under stress, interpersonal skills, adaptability, flexibility, tolerance, initiative, personal health and wellbeing.
Considerations include: interpersonal, verbal, written, organisational and administrative skills as well as their fluency of thought, willingness to use social media and technology.
Considerations include: understanding of the role, motivation for applying, leadership skills, team work, organisational skills, and camping skills (if required).

State Commissioner


National Checks
