Before you start this application:

  • Check the expiry date on your passport. it must not expire within 6 months of the return date of this trip. 

  • You will need two referees for this application - one Girl Guide member and one non-guiding person to provide a character reference for you. Contact them to check they are happy to fill out the online reference form generated once you complete this form.

  • It is your responsibility to follow up with your referees to ensure they complete their section of the form using the link emailed to them.  The process does not proceed to the next step until each person hits submit!

Please read Privacy Collection Statement for Girl Guide Members. See link below.

Privacy Policy Collection Statements - Guide Lines - For Girl Guides and Girl Guide Volunteers

Applicant Details

Membership Details

Please select all your qualifications

Motivation + Experience

Please include details of any roles you held.

Emergency Contact

This person must be available as an emergency contact for the duration of the event/trip and not attending this event. 

It is important to notify them that they are your emergency contact.

Girl Guide Reference

Provide contact details for a Girl Guide Adult Member who can provide a reference for you.

Please contact this person to let them know the email is coming and to check their junk mail. 

Character Reference

Please provide details for someone willing to provide a personal reference/recommendation for you. 

Please notify the person before submitting this application. 

They will be sent an email with a link to a short form and should check junk mail for a snapforms email.

Travel Details

Please note: the passport must not expire less than 6 months before the trip begins.

Health and Wellbeing

The information provided in this section will only be shared where deemed absolutely necessary. 

Travelling overseas on new adventures and sharing accommodation is exciting but can be stressful. Providing the right information can be the key to a positive experience. 

Pre-existing medical conditions: If you do not declare pre-existing medical conditions, the GGA insurance policy could be invalid.  If your condition changes before the trip, you must tell the GGA Office.

Travellers with chronic(ongoing for 6 months or more) or complex conditions,must provide a GP care management plan or action plan.

A GP care management plan is a written plan of action that identifies your health and care needs, sets out services to be provided by your GP, and lists the actions you can take to help manage your condition.

This applies to all ongoing conditions such asthma, anaphylaxis, anxiety, adhd, diabetes, heart conditions etc; anything that you manage on an ongoing basis.

Speak to your doctor about including a plan for back up medication and medical devices, spare scripts, considerations for managing conditions while travelling and a plan for accessing support.

Health information

* Pre-existing medical conditions: If you become unwell on the trip due to a pre-existing medical condition, the GGA insurance policy could be invalid if you haven't shared all the key information about your health with GGA.
Name of condition, how it affects you, triggers and medications etc
Please attach your care management and/or action plan/s.


Including adrenaline auto-injectors e.g. epi-pen, asthma inhalers etc
Please list and detail any medications required. Visit the Smart Traveller website to read about taking medications overseas.
This is important in the event that you need emergency care.

Allergies and dietary requirements


Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

Girl Guiding Reference


Character/Personal Reference


Application Denial

Please detail your valid reason for denying this application at this stage.

SGGO Checks

State Commissioner


National Checks


Pre-Trip Checks by SGGO

Please refer to SGGO records to complete this section and confirm this traveller's membership details. 

For more information visit GuideLines Child Safe Child Friendly Framework
E.G. Expiry of membership or CSCF Checks

Traveller Pre-Trip Declaration

Please do a final check of your information and update it if needed.